Financial services and banking

Financial services and banking

Bulgarian-American Credit Bank AD is ranked 13th in Bulgaria in terms of total assets, 10th by business loan volume, and 9th by mortgage volume, according to the classification of the Bulgarian National Bank.

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To be the Green Bank of Bulgaria, starting from the corporate responsibility of the bank

In the conditions of a changing urban world, combined with a progressive reduction of the main depletable energy sources, pollution and deterioration of the environment, there is a need to change the existing development policies related to a new attitude towards the environment.

In this situation, the Bulgarian-American Credit Bank sees its role in Bulgaria as one of the engines of changing economic models and development policies, as well as of more substantial integration of the green idea in them. BACB's mission is aimed at providing innovative financial solutions based on three interrelated and interdependent priorities - green banking, social banking, and sustainable banking.

The main and most active partner of the bank is the Bulgarian business. It seeks and applies the latest approaches and innovations in order to better market and social positioning, as well as cost optimization. Here comes the role of the Bulgarian-American Credit Bank in sustainable development, through economic logic, so the bank provides banking products and financial services to companies to make the necessary revolutionary change.